Friday, October 30, 2009


Sometimes when I hear the voice of God leading me to do something. I cant help but laugh in exasperation and say HUH?? Do what? God is all about pushing me further than I ever thought I could go. I have said this many times to close friends. " You know, just when I dont think I can possibly take another thing. Here comes something else for me to squeeze onto my plate!"  God isn't so concerned about my comfort as he is about my growth. 
There are seasons of this "faith stretching" in every believers life. Some seasons are longer and more painful than others. I have come to a much deeper understanding of this in recent years. The greater the season of struggle, greater the reward and work done in me. Sometimes I just get so tickled at where we are in life right now. Its as though I am on the outside looking in for a moment and I absolutely lose it and I laugh hysterically! The enemy hates it when I am at ease enough to laugh at the struggles we have. This ease of laughter comes from knowing that these struggles are for a season and there will come a time in our lives when we will look back at these days and say "WOW... remember when??" 
PRAISE YOU JESUS!!! Thank you that the Enemy is defeated in your glorious name. 
So in the "mean" time there is a powerful work being done in me that no classroom or earthly teacher could impart. 

***Angela Jennifer***

~~Enduring The Flames~~

I smile as I lye next to you watching you sleep.
You are truly beautiful.
I ponder on all we have been through.
I’m amazed that we are still here,
still breathing….alive and well…stronger than ever.
There is a refining that fire can only bring.
Only the most intense of flames bring forth the purest gold.
There are no short cuts, there is no easy way.
We have walked through those flames together…hand in hand.
I pull the covers up, and tuck you in tight as you rest so sweetly.
I kiss your lips and whisper…
” I love you forever.”

*** Angela Jennifer ***

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Walking it out

There are certain seasons in life where we seem to be more alone in our walk than others. Lee and I have been in this very season for some time now. There is a quiet time that comes in each believers life. When the majority of your time is spent in introspection and meditation before the Lord. Some things cant be shared with others. This is a very personal time that is usually very intense and difficult. Daily challenges and problems can seem insurmountable. Looking on our situation from the outside, to many it would seem that we have the worst "luck" and we seem unable to catch a break in any way shape or form! This time is very crucial in our christian growth. The upside to all the adversity we experience on a daily basis is this. The cries of the righteous touch the very heart of God in a special way. To walk with him and worship him in the midst of discomfort and pain is a sacrificial thing that God treasures. The word of God says that he keeps each tear that I cry and places it in his bottle. How neat is that? Also, we have experienced a close, special communion with the Lord that is felt more intensely when in the midst of  trials and tribulations of all kinds. I always hear the voice of my Heavenly Father more clearly during these times. There is a remarkable growth that comes during this time also. It is not pleasant to endure hardship after hardship. There are times when I feel that I cannot take one more day, hour, or minute of it all. But He is faithful to sustain me. His mercies are new with the rising of the sun every day. 

*** Angela Jennifer ***

Saturday, October 24, 2009


One of the greatest joys in my life has always been putting pen to paper. Creating and reflecting if you will. I began writing poetry when I was about 12 years old. Over the years I have continued to do this and have also developed a love for journaling. As a wife of 17 years, a mother of 4 daughters and one new baby on the way, time seems to have become more of a luxury than ever before. I hope that you will join me as I explore this new avenue of sharing my Thoughts, Prayers and Poetry.

God Bless,

***Angela Jennifer***